Intercom Australia - The Aiphone Experts

The Aiphone Experts

Installation Tips

intercom australia

Please take the time to actually read the installation documentation supplied with the product as it should answer most of your questions and actually save you some time.


If you are unsure of anything to do with the installation please contact us and we will answer your questions, a quick call before you start can save you a lot of time and expense if you make an error. See use the correct cable below.

Common Errors

It does not work. Carefully check your wiring and make sure you have followed the installation wiring instructions exactly. Check to make sure you are using the correct voltage and current power supply and that it is turned on and wired the right way. Intercoms are DC powered and do not work if wired with reverse polarity. Now really check your wiring. If you still cannot get the system to function contact us and we will help you sort through the problem. From decades of providing technical support for Aiphone we find the problem is rarely equipment related.

A common mistake is to install door stations at the wrong height; video door stations should be installed at 1500mm above finished floor level. Audio door stations should be installed at this height if possible. The exception of course is when a door station is being installed on a vehicle entrance or an entrance used by disabled people in wheel chairs; in this case the door station can be installed lower.

Avoid installing video door stations where they will be facing the sun; this can affect picture quality due to back lighting.

Use the correct type of cable. There is no such thing as a cable that does all jobs. Cat5e , Cat6 and security cable can sometimes be used but these are not the ideal cables especially where distance is involved, and security cable should never be used when a colour video or digital system is being installed. Also special consideration when cable is being run underground or in a concrete slab. Always use an underground grade cable in these cases, just because it is in conduit is no guarantee of protection from moisture. Conduits have a habit of filing up with water and if the incorrect type of cable is used you will soon be faced with problems, and a problem that can be very expensive to fix. So make sure you get advice on the correct cable to use for the job, we can help so contact us for the correct cable advice.

Connecting Laptops to GF, GH and AX systems

Most modern Laptops do not have a RS232 port on them so they require the use of a USB to RS232 converter. The problem with these converters is that they are not always compatible with all RS232 devices so you may have to try a couple different types before you get one that is compatible. Any installer that has used one of these converters with an access control or alarm system will know what I mean.

Common errors causing connection failure. 

  • Make sure the cable supplied with the GHNS and GFNSA is firmly pushed into the RS232 socket on the name scroll module. It can sometimes catch on the side of the display screen so press it in firmly and makes sure it is pressed in all the way.
  • Make sure a straight though RS232 cable is used when connecting to an AX084C or AX248C exchange. Do not use a crossover cable. You will also require a male to male 9 pin cable or use a gender changer as the AX exchanges have a female connection.
  • If programming an AX exchange make sure the correct exchange model is selected in the software before programming.
  • Check your COM port settings on your PC. When using a USB to RS232 converter they will sometimes select a different COM port if they are plugged into a different USB port than the one set up during the installation of their drivers. Either always use the same USB port for the USB o RS232 converter or change the COM port setting for this device by using the control panel in Windows.
  • Make sure you have the correct driver loaded for the USB to RS232 converter as different models require different drivers, consult the documentation supplied with the USB to RS232 converter.
  • Of course you would have checked to make sure the device you are trying to program has power, is turned on and has been correctly wired.
  • The GTNS has a USB port so the above issues will not occur.
Electric Door Strikes

When installing electric door strikes to any Aiphone model make sure you check the current drawn by the strike. Most Aiphone models are designed to switch door release strikes of around 400mA. If your strike draws more than this you will need to install a separate relay to drive the strike or you will damage the relay contacts on the intercom. ALWAYS FIT A DIODE ACCROSS A DC POWERED STRIKE TO QUELSH THE BACK EMF SURGE WHICH CAN DAMAGE RELAY CONTACTS. FAILURE TO DO THIS CAN ALSO CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE INTERCOM SYSTEM. FSH strikes and newer Padde models have internal suppression diode already fitted.


Also if a magnetic lock or power to lock electric strike is being installed a separate relay will need to be installed in most cases as the door release output on all but two Aiphone models (RY3DL and GTDAL) is a normally open contact an these lock devices require a normally closed contact.

All door release outputs are voltage free relay contacts so an additional power supply is required to power the electric strike, with the exception of the VCM, DA and DB models which output a voltage to power the strike. Note the DA and DB output 12VAC so an AC compatible strike or if a DC strike is to be used a bridge rectifier will be required to convert the AC to DC.

Rain Hoods

Do not use any form of rain hood on any Aiphone audio or video door station unless it is an accessory supplied by Aiphone. This is a common cause of acoustic feedback which can cause a whistling in the audio form the door station. Aiphone door stations are weather resistant and are designed for outdoor use. The only Aiphone model that can have hoods fitted are the GT apartment intercom door stations.

Safety Tips

There are number of relays in the Aiphone range designed to enable switching of power to external lights etc. Under no circumstances should these ever be used to directly switch 240 volts. Always use a mains rated relay for this purpose and use the Aiphone relay to switch this relay. Any work involving mains wiring should always be carried out by a licensed electrician.